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Saturday, 14 June 2014

They all went away

In the end, they all went away.

One wanted the world,
Felt she settled for less,
All of him too was never enough,
Both lived with regret.
In the end, they all went away.

One wanted the playmate,
She lived for the day,
His emotions seemed unseemly,
Mistaking love for play,
In the end, they all went away.

One wanted that who cares,
She was broken inside,
Mending his own heart,
He couldn't fill the divide,
In the end, they all went away.

One wanted reassurance,
She was the true friend,
Expectations plague this bond,
She was never convinced,
In the end, they all went away.

One wanted to look beautiful,
Truth is beauty,
Her truth was never his,
So he failed to see,
In the end, they all went away.

He was wanted in parts,
His person was never wanted,
Lost himself part by part,
None left when she departed,
In the end, they all went away.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Why don’t you let go?
Do I really need too?
Are you in love?
Not with you!
Then why do I have to stay?
You want to go away?
Surely this is what I need,
I will agree indeed!
So you do care?
It is only fair,
Spare a straight answer?
Answers won’t matter,
You keep me intrigued,
You choose to stay belied,
Care enough to disillusion me?
I was never in love with you, never will be,
I don't like this conversation,
Suggest an appropriate deviation,
Do you wish to answer a question?
I am in tow,
Why don’t you let go?