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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Little Brother

wisdom of old,
often foretold,
and also forgotten,
by young begotten,
by lesser times,
where history thine,
became story line,
they fail to divine,
meaning underlying,
old trodden paths,
where fate hath,
dealt its blows,
and time flows,
we pass it down,
to next aeon,
not critical,
be analytical,
of what I say,
of older way.

Monday, 1 October 2012

My friend

Face of life is poker-face,
I fail to read is clearly,
Keeping up with its skip and pace,
I give up wearily.

That moment I chose my vocation,
This moment its just means to an end,
The one which is my aspiration,
Is subject to my capricious bend.

Is it corporeal what I really want,
Or some obscure spiritual craving,
I spend my days nonchalant,
Love leave my heart bereaving.

No worldly bonds tie me down,
Except my sense of responsibility,
Lonesome existence in alien town,
To mask my hearts fragility.

Its potency to love is beyond intellect,
Its penchant for camaraderie is gullible,
My canny words you've come to detest,
To misconstrue they are susceptible.

Saintly human, free from all vices,
Delve deep in your conscience,
Bear with my immoral utterances,
Judge me by my actions reminiscence.

If find time do introspect,
Were you always so saintly,
If you find an instance of misconduct,
Try to forgive mine faintly.

Your contrasting principles make me sad,
I have been their for you,
Rejected soul heartache clad,
I forsake the worldly and you.